Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September Flash Blog

Seriously, this is a Flash Blog because who in September has time to write anything longer? For someone who has no children and is not currently registered in any classes back to school has been inexplicably fraught this year. Maybe because I work at a school. Oh and I do have my guitar lessons, that makes me a student of something I suppose. So all I've got for you today is one of the essential questions of the Cocoverse, which from time to time we are all called upon to ponder. How is it that I have two working opposable thumbs - opposable is your word for the week which the spell checker on this blog site doesn't like very much and yet it is spelled correctly. Any way, back to the question of the day - How is it that I have two opposable thumbs and a good blodge of higher education on my resume and yet can't figure out how to operate the new fangled lid on the take-out coffee cup? Serves me right for not remembering my travel mug I guess.
Here's hoping you all have a more successful morning than I in terms of imbibing your wake-the-hell-up beverage of choice.

1 comment:

  1. Those coffee cup lids are evil! They are flimsy, yet indestructible - you can never get them off unless you tear them in such a way as to spill coffee all over yourself, and if you are wearing a white shirt or pants, you can count on wearing some, or all, of your coffee.

    And those half-baked little air holes so you drink coffee with the lid on, are nothing more than an excuse to watch coffee blow bubbles directly into your eye every time you lift the cup to drink.

    Evil I tell you!
