Sunday, May 31, 2009

To Blog or Not to Blog...

A couple of my friends and colleagues have been encouraging me to blog. They seem to think that I have interesting things to say. I'm not entirely sure why except that I seem to manage to surprise or shock someone someway somehow with something I say pretty much every day. I suppose that must be because verbal chicanery is kind of a passion for me. Good thing I'm a writer. There are those that think being a writer is something you do. It's not. Being a writer is something you are. or maybe more accurately, it used to be something that I did. now it is something that I am. I've been a bit reluctant to blog. A couple of times I've made a run at it choosing fairly narrow slices of my life, like weightloss or things I give a Rat's Ass about. Then I lose interest. Carving off a little chunk of me and casting it out into cyberspace has always felt a little bit false. like I'm pretending that those bits are more important to me than other bits simply because I'm sharing them. So I'm going to blog about pretty much whatever I'm in the mood to blog about. Likely there will be vast tracts of text about writing and creating and stories cause I am now a writer for better or worse. Like my friend Duder who blogs about her life but so much of it involves running because that is what she is that if she ever collected them together she'd have a fascinating book about running.

Not that I think I'll be fascinating. Maybe I'll just aim at the reality TV role (you will hear much of my opinions on TV shortly) and be the car crash that you can't look away from. Okay, I admit watch all those dancing shows. I must. I am a dancer despite all present evidence to the contrary. I once danced with the Kirov you know - okay it was as an extra but I fit the costume so I did get to be a harem girl and do a dance step across the stage - me and two other chicks - in front of the plywood elephant so that we could hide the wheels. I also enjoy the food reality shows because, come on, who doesn't like food? I don't do relationship shows like "The Bachelorette" cause I don't do relationships probably. Same with the singing shows - I'm a bit funny about music and about music performance. My time working in opera taught me many many things. It taught me about brilliant music. And about yah, okay music. Don't think that means I think all opera is brilliant, and pop music sucks. Far from it. But within each musical genre the clear clarion bell of genius rings. Listen harder. That means you CBC Radio 2 and your new format promoting Canadian singer songwriters - great premise - lousy execution. Tom Allen I love you, but I now listen to your show to hear you talk and turn the station when the music starts. Something really wrong there.