Friday, July 22, 2011

Oh, to be in Paris, or at Comic Con, whatever

Alright. So what is a middle-aged girl with a head cold to do on an unseasonably cool summer night. I know! Write a blog post! Strangely the sun is threatening to shine tomorrow maybe if I sit out on the balcony I can get it to burn the sore throat away. But no, no complaining for me tonight, not moi. It has been an interesting sort of week.

Two people I like a lot are both in France this week, one in Paris and the other lolling about near a pool by a chateau somewhere in the Gers, almost dead centre of the country. Another of those I adore is in San Diego at Comic Con and I am kicking myself a bit that I couldn’t work out how to be there too. I’m thinking of him especially tonight as Ron James is saluting the his home town of Lethbridge. I love me my Ron James he is one funny and brilliant comic poet. I wonder how our American neighbours would take him though, he is so very Canadian in all the funniest ways.

What else this week of note? Oh, yah, I got to be a hero tonight me with the jumper cables for a couple of my hotter guy neighbours best of all one of them walked right into one of my favourite cheeky lines of all time, “Wow, I guess it really does pay to be prepared,” says he. I get to smile and wink and fire back with, “Yes, well, you know though I’ve never been a Boy Scout, I’ve had a few.” That caught them by surprise. I was rewarded by two slightly choked barks of laughter and one of their girlfriends from the shadows saying, “Hah! I’ve had a few, that’s funny.” I told her to feel free to steal it anytime she likes. Then I had to beat a hasty retreat telling them to leave the jumper cables under the car when they finished. Always leave ‘em laughing and then make yourself scarce before you can screw it up. For those of you who, sadly still haven’t gotten the joke - Boy Scout motto “Be Prepared” - get it?

Mind you I sort of hacked in the direction of one of the boys so I’m hoping he doesn’t catch my lurggy and remember me that way.

What else, hmm, not too much. Wait that’s a big fib. I had my self-esteem handed back to me on a silver platter this week. Can’t tell you how or why yet. Suffice it to say that I have awesome friends and a few of them got to share my relief as I received a big compliment from an important stranger.

Other then that. Still going to bed early, indeed signing off pretty much now as 6 AM comes early, even on a Saturday. But that early writing hour is proving to be very important to my health, and my page count.

Love you all, thanks for dropping by. I now have to tackle a writing assignment from the Artist’s Way - pretending to be my eight year old self writing me a letter at my current age. You can bet I won’t be running spell check.


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