Friday, October 21, 2011

Just a Little Bit Cocoa

So here I be, trying to get all organized for a serious turn off the tv/phone/internet writer's weekend and suddenly all I can think about is how great it be if I rolled a few teaspoons of peanut butter in chocolate cheerios and then dipped them in the melted remains of the organic chocolate chili bar stashed in the filing cabinet. Now I can hear many of you screaming "no don't do it" but truth to tell, sweets are not my food waterloo and that chocolate chili bar has survived unscathed for at least ten days, so regardless it won't be as bad as you fear. Chocolate seems to be the one thing I like to eat for which I have a reasonable "off" switch.

In the end, laziness will out and I'll just snap a couple squares off the bar and retreat to the purple velvet couch for this week's episode of "Supernatural". Which since you're asking is something for which I do not have an "off" switch. Then to bed cause I did in fact rise in the deep dark of the night last night to work on my spec "Lost Girl" script. Awesome funny scene actually, and a little bit naughty. Though if any of you have any practical suggestions about how to get my Muse to show up at about 7 p.m. instead of 3 a.m. I'll save the rest of that chocolate chili bar for you.

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