Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Note to Self

When MacGuyvering eyeglasses back together with black masking tape, ensure that you do not spend 15 minutes trying to attach the left arm to the right side of the glasses.  "But Carolynne, surely you realize that is not black masking tape in the photo?" Yes, yes my friends I do.  That is regular masking tape and it appears in this photo of the repaired spectacles because the black masking tape gave out completely as I tried to maneuver the glasses into position in order to take this wonderful photo to share with you all.

So here is my wonderful photo to accompany a story that is representative of my month so far. I will now leave you to go stir the pot of beans on the stove which is representative of my attempt to loose 20 pounds between now and the Canadian Tenors concert 72 days from now where, if I succeed my Mom will pick up the tab for the tickets. Taken together, the cheaply repaired glasses, beans and desire to get someone else to pay for my Canadian Tenors habit, these things are representative of my attempts to save up enough money to finance the filming of my award winning short film script, The Lobby.

Current funds assembled to date total 100 dollars and the refund on 11 empty liquor bottles recently discovered under the sink - 5 Absolut vodka, 2 Bombay Sapphire gin and 4 wine bottles(2 red, 2 white), for those of you who enjoy excessive detail I will post the wine brand names upon request - which have been there since I decided that booze was too expensive sometime last June. Oh, and of course the tea light holder full of nickels which are no longer accepted by Vancouver parking meters.

After the bean stirring I should return a phonecall, but it is too late already because glasses repair took 7.5 times longer than budgeted. Instead I'll be practicing the guitar till bedtime which is representative of, my desire to practice the guitar until bedtime.

Sleep well. Don't forget to vote for Georgia Murray on Cover Me Canada and like all her vids on YouTube many times and like them as often as the button will let you hit it. Which is representative of my wanting the dreams of a terrific artist and lovely person to come true. Won't you sleep better knowing you had a little part in that?

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