Friday, February 5, 2010

Terrorized and waiting for a machine

The big challenge of this very particular now is that I went down to the gym and for the first time in 5 weeks both elliptical trainers are occupied. Since I detest the bike and my joints are not yet ready for a work out on the treadmill of anywhere near the intensity I can get going on the elliptical, I came back upstairs. Dangerous choice because now I’m thinking about having a Friday night martini and skipping the workout. But not really. It became very evident to me today upon exiting the shower that my body has changed a lot in the last 23 workouts and I’ll be damned if having to wait 20 minutes for the machine is going to keep me from workout 24.

Two things are very much on my mind about that. First I am more then a little overwhelmed by the support everyone is showing. And quite honestly terrified. I don’t want to disappoint anyone and frankly am wishing I’d kept my mouth shut and tackled this incognito. Cause keeping my mouth shut is something I do soooo well. Quit laughing. Yet I wonder too if I’d have kept at it without friends and family past and present crawling out of the wood work and piping in with their words of support. I now even have friends checking my wall regularly to make sure that I’m still posting Year of Buff updates. Alright. Wish me luck. I am going downstairs again and hoping to get a machine. Put it out there to the universe that I do, okay? I'll get to the second thing AFTER I workout.

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