Saturday, November 14, 2009

Life Lessons

Tank Girl sent me a list of the life lessons that she has learned so far, so here is mine in reply

1) Always eat the stinky cheese
2) Mistakes are only bad if you don't learn from them
3) Don't step over a dollar to get to a dime
4) Good girls have lots of signatures in their yearbooks, but crap stories to tell in the old folks home
5) Vodka should be kept in the freezer
6) The truth really will set you free if you can face it and kick its ass
7) The secret to eternal youth is 8 hours of sleep at night and the pursuit of inappropriately young men by day
8) A really good friend is someone who designs you a Jolly Roger tattoo, even though she doesn't approve 'cause she wants you to have something elegant and custom

1 comment:

  1. :P here's hoping we end up in a floating old folk's home together - think of the riots we could cause!!

    p.s. i don't twit: but always did think pontification was the purpose of wine clubs...
