Saturday, May 29, 2010

My fingers smell like lobster and cordite

Hey, I’m not saying this is gonna be a pretty post. Feevty-feevty at best.

First I am going to apologize for the long silence of the blog. Things have been going on in my head that were not possible for me to share in the fully conscious literary form which is what I hope this blog sort of is. A literary expression of the mish-mash of stuff that happens in my head that then needs a good sort before it can become words and stories on a page.

One of the most important things that I’m trying to do is get comfortable with being comfortable. Even now I realize I am typing this in my Yorkton hotel room sitting on a chair that is all skewed and twisted so I can reach the keyboard, thereby ensuring that my body is skewed and twisted in facing the keyboard. Not even close to comfy. So hold on a sec while I re-orient and get a granola bar. I slept thru breakfast.

Why did I sleep thru breakfast. Well, yes partly because I had so much fun but partly because either lobster or beer are no longer my friends, allergy wise. By the time I limped and wheezed my way back to my room I was in bad shape. My muscles and joints were screaming I was wheezing, my nose was running and it dawned on my that I was having an allergic reaction. Sure enough a puff on the puffer and two Nyquil liqugels and a vast improvement. Anyway enough about the boring allergy crap. I thought I was dealing with a head cold, but it could more truly be spring allergies out of control. I did also stand out in a field of grass in Saskatchewan in spring time. Me who is wickedly allergic to GRASS. Probably no grass pollen out there eh? Sigh.

I am drinking hotel coffee and eating granola bars for breakfast because my eyes are still so swollen that I can’t bear to be seen in public. Showing up looking up at a panel looking like the survivor of a domestic knock down drag out is not how I want to be remembered. So hitting the caffeine with both puffy eye roller and internally until some semblance of normal. Hopefully by 1:30 as I would like to make an appearance at least at one session.

Okay posting now and so desperate will make the decaf coffee and comeback and give you part II or the prequel, since it will be back tracking the timeline for Yorkton Film Fest 2010 to the flight and drive to get here.

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