Saturday, May 15, 2010

Zounds what a week!

Okay I just felt it had been way too long since I used the word "zounds" in a sentence so what better way to start a blog post than with an archaic swear word that is a contraction for "Christ's wounds". Got an interesting email from a family member which suggested how life would be if we treated our Bible like our cell phone - you know, take it with you every where, use it in an emergency, consult it for directions, etc. Not all that helpful in that you're starting with the assumption that everyone has a bible. Though come to think of it, I'm pretty sure that must be a free app for my iPhone. The best part of all though was the end which told me the best part of all was that the bill had already been paid (note to self, pay cell phone bill) by Jesus. Yep, paid my cosmic cell phone bill by dying on the cross, during which time he was, according to the author of this email, thinking of me. I'm not sure I'm going to comment any further on this. Somehow just sharing it seems sufficient unto the day. Except to say that a little help paying the REAL cell phone bill would not be amiss, since I incurred crazy roaming charges in California last month and only myself to blame for not buying a "package" in advance.

Resistance put on a new dress this week and sashayed around my life, blocking the writing for the most part. It came in the form of squandering time and emotional energy trying to find funding for making The Lobby. I got all caught up in plotting and planning and drafting cover letters and adjusting budgets because it suddenly came apparent to me that I needed to make this film, like now, and that by doing so, I'd save the planet and launch my career into the stratosphere.

Needless to say upon closer examination of this assertion I realized I was distracting myself from making the very minor doable changes to the Rain Girls outline and sending it off. Also doing my taxes where I stand to get a whoopping great refund but actually have to finish doing them. So I bailed on the roadtrip and will try and Pomodoro my way through and get monkey off my back. Girl who is lucky and prosperous and needs to live that way, in joy and all expectation of every good thing.

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